Andrea Mancini

Andrea Mancini , Firenze 1958.
Frequenta giovanissimo i corsi di disegno animato di Tomislav Spikic all’Accademia Cappiello e si diploma in Graphic Design all’Istituto d’arte di Firenze nel 1978, con Leonardo Mattioli.

Illustratore e fumettista prima, nel 1979 entra alla “Leader” dove inizierà una carriera da pubblicitario d’agenzia ed in seguito come creativo free-lance.
Nel 1982 è a Parigi, nel 1983 a New York in viaggi di approfondimento professionale. Negli anni ‘90 espone opere su carta a tempera grassa in mostre collettive e personali in Italia, Giappone e Germania. Nel 2000 il Premio Fiorino per la pittura.
Nel 2002 alcune sue opere vengono acquisite dal Museo Marino Marini e dal Museo Diocesano di Firenze.
Attualmente vive e lavora a Firenze.

Andrea Mancini – born in Florence, Italy, in 1958.
Attends Tomislav Spikic cartoonist course at Cappiello Academy at an early age. Graduates in 1978 from The Florence Art Institute “Istituto D’Arte di Firenze” , in Graphic Design (studied with Leonardo Mattioli).
Illustrator and comics-artist,in ’79 Andrea begins his career as graphic & Creative designer at “LEADER” advertising Agency. He then continued as a free-lance Creative & Graphic Designer in the years to come.
From 1982 -1983 he travelled first to Paris * then to New York to pursue his artisitc growth and broaden his experience. In 1990 he exhibited his first works on paper in tempera in one man shows and group exhibits in Italy, Japan and Germany.
In 2000 he won the Premio Fiorino, one of the most prestigious awards for the visual arts. In 2002 a selection of his works were acquired by the Marino Marino Museum and the Diocesan Museums in Florence. Andrea Mancini lives and works in Florence.

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